Engrish Page 02


Pocari Sweat Drink.
Original Japanese commercial clip for Pocari Sweat (Right).

REVIEW: Pocari Sweat most resembles the taste of weak Gatorade gum.
A subtle, noncarbonated drink that goes down smooth and refreshes.  No belching aftertaste!

A lone cowgirl in search of something sweet...
Original Japanese commercial clips for The Chocolate Bar.

The Chocolate Bar.
Looks mighty tasty from down here!

Ma•Ma Salmon Cream Pasta Sauce.

"Ma•Ma Pasta Sauce is made with heartfelt care using only the most fresh, high quality ingredients
for that 'real' spaghetti sauce taste.  We recommend it with our utmost confidence".

Apure Whity Cosmetics.
Finally, something for us Whitys!

Cubyrop Candy.
Not to be confused with Chubbydrop.

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Copyright 2000~2003 David Ramsay and Kimberly J. Ramsay.  All rights reserved.

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David "Z-RAM" Ramsay and Kimberly "Hikaru-chan" J. Ramsay acknowledge the
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First uploaded March 15, 2000 by: David Ramsay