Engrish Page 04


"Chocolate Snack - Coated these wholesome crispy cornflakes in only the mildest chocolate"

REVIEW: Coco Crispies, loaded with sugary goodness!
Great for kids to snack on right before bedtime.

Wow!   Choco Flake comes in bags, boxes and...
Original Japanese commercial clips for Choco Flake.

Yatta!   It's Choco Flake Brick!
(Is it just us, or does it look like a charcoal briquette?)

In two delicious flavors: Chocolate and Strawberry.
Original Japanese commercial clips for Choco Flake Brick.

More yummy brick fun - It's White Choco Flake!

Plussy Drink.
(But what did YOU think it said?!)

"A Refreshing Experience"

Potato Bar•B•Q Checkers.

"Calbee Sapporo Potatoes are healthy snacks brimming with the fruits of Nature"

"I <heart> my Hysteric Fuck" sweatshirt.
Is this a licensed Ford item?  I didn't know they were into fashion.

Creap Creamy Powder.
Original Japanese commercial clips for Creap.

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Copyright 2000~2003 David Ramsay and Kimberly J. Ramsay.  All rights reserved.

"The Japanese Animation Super Premier Entertainment Review" ,
"the J.A.S.P.E.R." and "theJASPER" logo are trademarks of David Ramsay, 1998~2003.

"theJASPER Cosplay Closet" logo and
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"CosPuu Gallery", "Hame-Kame Cosplay", "Cospure Magic Fantasy",
"Pika Pika Cosplay", "Pika Pika Boutique", "Heimlich's Leafy Depot"
and "theJ.A.S.P.E.R. Engrish" Copyright 1998~2003 Kimberly J. Ramsay.

David "Z-RAM" Ramsay and Kimberly "Hikaru-chan" J. Ramsay acknowledge the
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Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.

First uploaded March 15, 2000 by: David Ramsay