FEATURED ENGRISH ITEM: Japanese Coffee Drinks
Pokka Coffee and Pokka BM Coffee Drinks.
Original Japanese commercial clips for Pokka Coffee.
Nescafe Montealban Coffee and Georgia Coffee Drinks.
Original Japanese commercial clips.
REVIEW: Don't drink coffee. Especially from skinny, little cans.
BalanceUp Chews.
Original Japanese commercial clip for BalanceUp.
Friendly Chocolate Coffee Candy.
Doesn't the "F" in Friendly resemble the knife blade imagery in horror movie posters?
Pizza Corn Snack.
Original Japanese commercial clip for Pizza Corn.
Continental Breakfast: A rock band?!
Original Japanese commercial clip for Continental Breakfast.
Macross VF-1A Valkyrie in G.E.R.W.A.L.K. Mode.
(Ground Effective Reinforcement of Winged Armament with Locomotive Knee-Joint)
Copyright 2000~2003 David Ramsay and Kimberly J. Ramsay. All rights reserved.
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and "theJ.A.S.P.E.R. Engrish" Copyright 1998~2003 Kimberly J. Ramsay.
David "Z-RAM" Ramsay and Kimberly "Hikaru-chan" J. Ramsay acknowledge the
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First uploaded March 15, 2000 by: David Ramsay