FEATURED ENGRISH ITEM: KissMint - For Skinfresh
"KissMint is not only delicious but it also contains various effective ingredients."
REVIEW: Alright, we're gonna try REAL hard to be mature about this one... Chewy, unique taste.
Lucido Hard Styling Water Spray.
"Functional & Basic For A No-Frills Finish."
"Please enjoy this light texture."
Chef Tool's Leaf Pie.
As long as Chef Tool keeps his "tool" outta my food, we're okay.
I don't need the chef using his special "tool" to stir no pastry of mine.
"This leaf pie baked by our chef with all his heart is a
piece of pastry rich in the butter's abundant flavor."
Copyright 2000~2003 David Ramsay and Kimberly J. Ramsay. All rights reserved.
"The Japanese Animation Super Premier Entertainment Review" ,
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"theJASPER Cosplay Closet" logo and
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"CosPuu Gallery", "Hame-Kame Cosplay", "Cospure Magic Fantasy",
"Pika Pika Cosplay", "Pika Pika Boutique", "Heimlich's Leafy Depot"
and "theJ.A.S.P.E.R. Engrish" Copyright 1998~2003 Kimberly J. Ramsay.
David "Z-RAM" Ramsay and Kimberly "Hikaru-chan" J. Ramsay acknowledge the
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Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited.
First uploaded May 27, 2000 by: David Ramsay