Engrish Page 34

FEATURED ENGRISH ITEM: Oh! Nigiri Restaurant

A popular Japanese restaurant in Gardena, CA.

REVIEW: Nice play on words.

Gatsby Super Hard and Wet Hard.
In a sleek, cylindrical container... Gatsby satisfies.

Success Hair Gel.
As opposed to "Failure"?  Is that what people use on "Bad Hair Days"?

Book-Off, a used Japanese bookstore in Gardena, CA.
Our favorite place for used manga and CDs.

HG Super Hard Gel and Mousse.
Just walking down the hair care aisle, makes me tingle.

"Mr. Hair" and "Mr. Hat" from Fumiko's Restaurant.
I highly recommend visiting their place at the Mitsuwa Market in Torrance, CA.

Refresh to TJE Index

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First uploaded May 27, 2000 by: David Ramsay